I was discussing with someone sometimes ago and we were talking about esteem. I told the person, I’ve gotten to a place where my body no longer defines how I feel. I see myself classy and gorgeous even on days I’m not glowing and I’m dealing with life’s stress. I know I am carrying a body that will decay, a body maggots and ants will eventually devour.
I know for sure that I will age and be wrinkled but what is eternal is my spirit. This has helped me stop looking for the approval of people. It has helped me to see myself in the right image on days I’m darker, on days I’m slimmer, on days I’m fatter, what I see is not the casing, what I see is who I truly am on the inside.

What I see is a woman loaded with virtues and strength. What I see is a change agent. What I see is a woman on fire. Many of us take care of the physical more than we take care of our spirit. It’s good to do so, let’s take care of it properly for the days that ants, termites and maggots will devour it.
Who you are on the inside is what will keep you young forever not what you put on or add on. I am the standard not the standard the world sets for me. You are the beauty standard not the standard of the society. Many are making damaging decisions just to fit in but dare to be you. Dare to stand out. When you win the battle against you, you’ve won it Against the world.

The reason I speak about your spirit and your mind (inner man) is because when the body breaks, the mind becomes your strongest weapon but if your mind breaks, your body is subjected to be at it’s Mercy.
The greatest battle you’ve got to win is in your mind. That’s where the fiercest war and the most terrifying battle takes place. When you win in your mind, you’ve won in the world and winning against the world means you are no longer a slave to the opinion of others and you are no longer bound by unrealistic standards set by the world. It means you are now living in your true nature.

VICTORIA Abisinuola Thompson.
Thank you for this piece. It’s absolutely amazing
Thank you so much for this ma’am I suffered low self-esteem when growing up buh all thanks to God
Am strong I stand out among others